Car-Com Rescue

A concept for the Hanze XR-LAB and Brandweer Drenthe

(fire department DRENTHE)

Case and Solution

Firefighters face growing challenges at car accidents due to increasingly hazardous vehicle components like exploding batteries and untriggered airbags. Additionally, the variety and quantity of dangerous chemicals transported by trucks are rising, marked by diverse signage indicating their presence.

Clients were looking for clever concepts that use new technology such as AR, image recognition, 3d visualizations, audio cues, etc. and proof of it that can potentially be developed into real products at some point.

We came up with an app capable of storing data collected from the car’s license plate.

Potentially, after setting up an access to cloud that contains publicly stored information of the cars and car models, it is possible to use the app in car accidents.

How does it work?

User choses a role.
Coordinator - Manager; Firefighter - Member.

Member choses a Car to have access to schematics.

Manager types in a license plate number.

After typing in and indicating all the necessary information, the Manager is able to share it with Members.

The car information is stored in a list, both Members and Managers are able to access it.

Member is able to see and rotate the car schematics in order to see all the necessary details to start working on a crash site.


What have I worked on?


  • Cooperated on creation of the in-game UI.

  • Research Plan.

  • Planned and conducted expert, user and stakeholder interviews.

  • User testing sessions.

Product Design

  • Material research.

  • Concepting.

  • Arm-Mount creation for the demo session.


  • Used Agile working methods.


  • Directed, filmed and edited a fun trailer to draw the attention of clients and instructors.


Sim-Break (Current Project)


Zone 2060